Monday, May 18, 2009

Ironies of Life @ Crossroads

Ironies of life start hitting you from the day you are born. A child just cant wake to grow up, an adolescent cant wait to be an adult, a college going fella cant just wait to get into work and settle down. But once you reach there and you find yourself that there is nothing beyond this that has been thought of, trouble starts. The fact remains that you need to work and earn whether in service or a business. What do you do then? Take life as it happens or search for new avenues, while you miss the days gone by cuddling.

Well, actually there is no escape. You cant go back and one needs to work but what can be changed is our reaction. After all its a part of life so might as well enjoy it. Tensions increase and so do responsibilities and after people dont usually realize till they get bulldozed and lost among the intricacies of life.

So its best to be careful and move ahead and at the same time have a rope to check on what you have been doing. Dont miss out, there is still lot to be seen and done.

I am today at this junction and am trying to cope with all the hustle, bustle, responsibilities, work and tension that has come on me in a big city and at an young age. I will fight to make my life better. Good thing though, I realized that i got lost within a year of it.