Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cabs to Bangalore International Airport

Taking Cabs to Bangalore International Airport is a tricky option, considering it is a minimum 40 kms from the heart of the city such as Koramangala. Most cabs charge Rs 12/km. However some charge exorbitant rates like Meru Cabs.

Through my personal experience I have found City Safari cabs to be helpful and reliable. One way to the airport will cost you Rs 500-600. Most importantly they are punctual and so far havent failed to turn up on time. City Taxi cabs are also good. Travelling Time around 1.5 hours. Details given below:

City Safari Cabs,104/1/2,Tavarekere, Bangalore, Ph: 080-25534276, 98445-80026
City Taxi, Bangalore, Ph: 080-41552222

Note: Never take EASY CABS. Their service is horrible.
Cabs take 4 people so its better in groups. However if you are travelling single and with minimum luggage, its best to take Vayu Vajra Volvo Buses that run every 30 minutes from several parts of the city to BIAL. It would cost you around Rs 120-Rs 160 for one way journey. Travelling time 2 hours.

Monday, April 26, 2010

IPL Saga - Another Indian Tamasha Unfolds

The IPL Season 3 finale is over and Chennai Super Kings have lifted the coveted title going past Mumbai Indians. But the drama behind the scenes is far from complete. As Lalit Modi gets crucified from all quarters, one can’t help but ponder as to what might have gone wrong. Surely IPL was Modi’s brainchild but it’s not possible to stage an event of this magnitude as well as manage the wrong doings that he is being accused of, all alone. There has to be a larger picture behind this, there has to be more people involved and all of this is just not possible whether BCCI’s patronage and know-how.

Let’s consider for a moment that Modi did commit all the sins that he is being accused of. Then why are all of these surfacing after 3 years. And more so why it is that only after a Union Minister has had to face the music after his involvement did the sky come crashing down on Modi? What was the BCCI doing all this time? After all IPL is managed by BCCI. Sadly, the media does not delve on these questions comprehensively. Instead it’s just happy to relay the comments coming out from both the camps-one from Shashank Manohar and the other Modi camp.

It’s a known fact that DLF IPL started on a very shaky ground whereby most franchises as we know of them now, never came forward to initially invest in the teams. More so after seeing the losses incurred by Zee group promoted ICL (Indian Cricket League). That’s when Modi stepped in using his contacts and convinced some of his friends as well as business individuals to invest in IPL. Imagine Sahara Group, one that has sponsored the Indian cricket team since many years coming in to buy the Pune team after 3 seasons when one would have expected them to do so right from the inaugural year. But then now that DLF IPL is established as a world known sporting extravaganza and a lucrative brand in itself, everybody wants a piece of the pie and the limelight.

Nobody seems to remember what Modi has done for Cricket in general, particularly Indian Cricket. The way he got Bollywood involved, merged entertainment and cricket and changed the lives of so many talented yet unknown cricketers is something which no one else has done before and probably would have never been able to do. Today the likes of Murali Vijay, Vinay Kumar, Manish Pandey, Saurabh Tiwary and Ambati Rayudu are household names. Even players like Ashish Nehra, long forgotten and discarded from the national side have got a second life. Isn’t that great especially for a country not known to have a solid regional base from which scores of talented individuals come up and stamp their authority at the international level. Ranji trophy is hardly watched by the common people except when Mumbai makes it to the finals and we are no where close to Australia that produces great new talent every season. But now thanks to IPL and Modi things have changed for the better.

The basic point is, even if there was gross misdemeanours with regards to IPL management and franchisee allotment, it could not have been done by one person. Surely all the others within the BCCI and even political leaders are involved. Modi is just a soft target and the scapegoat in this instance so that the public and media leave the entire incident alone. A Joint Parliamentary Probe or even a CBI enquiry is useless any which ways. Reports will get tabled after 10 years or so going by their history of speed in enquiry and by that time no body will even remember a thing of what had happened. In between cricket and the image of India suffers. As long as greedy politicians and fame hungry individuals manage cricket even after not having played a single cricket match in all their lives, this will continue to be the spate of things in the country. Hopelessness is all that we stare at as everything has been bought over by money and gossip (the media particularly) and we never acknowledge great individuals such as Modi who have done something, atleast something for the betterment of Indian cricket and its future.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ironies of Life @ Crossroads

Ironies of life start hitting you from the day you are born. A child just cant wake to grow up, an adolescent cant wait to be an adult, a college going fella cant just wait to get into work and settle down. But once you reach there and you find yourself that there is nothing beyond this that has been thought of, trouble starts. The fact remains that you need to work and earn whether in service or a business. What do you do then? Take life as it happens or search for new avenues, while you miss the days gone by cuddling.

Well, actually there is no escape. You cant go back and one needs to work but what can be changed is our reaction. After all its a part of life so might as well enjoy it. Tensions increase and so do responsibilities and after people dont usually realize till they get bulldozed and lost among the intricacies of life.

So its best to be careful and move ahead and at the same time have a rope to check on what you have been doing. Dont miss out, there is still lot to be seen and done.

I am today at this junction and am trying to cope with all the hustle, bustle, responsibilities, work and tension that has come on me in a big city and at an young age. I will fight to make my life better. Good thing though, I realized that i got lost within a year of it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The second leg of the journey saw us going to Darjeeling (popularly referred to as 'Queen of Hill stations'). Well my heart had been booked by Sikkim but still I expected to find something equally good if not better. What I was confronted with only left me aghast and astounded.

I guess my dislike for Bengalis grew from this place only. Though am a Bengali and I am proud of my mother tongue but there is one thing which always puts me off - Dirt or a lack of basic cleanliness which I have found most Bengalis resorting to.

No doubt Darjeeling is really beautiful but its the people or rather we who have spoilt it to beyond repair. The Darjeeling Mall (a famous place) lied destroyed resembling pre human civilization eras. Bengali tourists relieving themselves everywhere, eating eating and gorging even more and then throwing the food right there. Rotting food, stink from the pees and the constant overload of all sorts of dirt has indeed destroyed this beautiful place.

That was my first impression of Darjeeling and real Bengali tourists and trust me they are same everywhere in India. Few other places of notable mention because of their natural beauty would be the Batashia Loop and Goong station. But again dirt and stink prevailed everywhere.

Is it too much to ask for decent cleanliness? We as Bengalis love to travel and eat but can't we keep our surroundings clean? Even when ample dustbins are around. Only last week I had gone to the Koramangala (Bangalore) Durga Puja. Its heavily commercialized now than 6 years back when I had come to Bangalore. The deity was well made but that was it. Starting from near the deity lay everywhere on the ground uneaten food, food plates, non-veg curries, spits from bettle nut eaters etc etc. And when I counted I found there were atleast 10 dustbins kept in the Puja mandap which was on an area of about 200 sq metres. Yet the dustbins were neat and empty but everrywhere else dirt.

I have failed to understand this weird habit of Bengalis. Personally I have never gone that way. I would rather carry a plate on my hand than throw it everywhere instead of a dustbin. Especially when dustbins have been provided, I am clueless.

Whatever may be the reason I think it is disgusting to do so and Bengalis by themselves should change this habit. I had a particular Bengali friend whom i deserted after not being able to cure his habit of dirtying places wherever he went. But none of my present Bengali friends (I have lots) are like this.


Sometimes things that start on a slow or sudden note turns out to be the most valuable in your life...Atleast it happened to me more than once...

The event dates back to Autumn of 1998. My family and few relatives had all of a sudden just got this urge to go to Sikkim and Darjeeling. I for one was not very excited and just wanted to lazy around at home. So tickets were booked for 13 of us, railway contacts used to get them as it was decided just 10 days in advance and that also Diwali time. Bengalis usually travel in big groups, don't know why and I am not exactly in favour of that. So tickets done, we boarded the Darjeeling Mail and reached NJP. From there Gangtok via cab.

I have always like the mountains more than the sea and I have seen quite a many but never anything like what encounted me. Steep mountains on one side and the flowing rivers (or streams) on the other. Winding roads travelling up these beautiful mountains covered with lush green Pine and Eucalyptus trees, the cool moist breeze sweeping across your face sometimes mixed with clouds giving you the feeling of romance and eternal love, pristine suuroundings with neat wooden houses hanging periliously from mountain sides. As we trooped into our beautiful guest house at 7 pm, the city stood eeriely silent with only a few lights twinkling far and wide, mostly from alcohol shops. Our guest house was a private one, fully wooden with a fire place in the drawing room and a huge bear skin carpet at the centre.

That night I had my first taste of alcohol. I was 13 years old and I started with Brandy (popularly known as Doctor's tonic). Felt good and warm and was flat. After a good nights sleep, I got up at 6 am and as i pushed myself towards the balcony with a toothbrush in my mouth and looked up, I was confronted by a scene that got etched in my memory forever and one which probably as much as I may write may never be enough to describe its true beauty. There ahead of me (it looked so near) lay the mighty snow clad peaks of Kanchenjunga (known in Sikkim as Kanchendzonga named after a Demon) with the sun's rays playing on the snow as pearls in the ocean. A view which makes you feel alive, an energy and such a soothing effect which is a harbringer of life in itself.

The next few days we tarvelled across the length and breadth of Sikkim and whereever I went I came across something new, something energizing and something so beautuful that even the word beauty feels small in front of it. The changu lake near to freezing with its pristine clean waters, the yak ride, the serene and pure Roomtek Monastery with tiny cute monks runnign around and oh yeahhhh the LOVELY AWESOME MOMOS...Hmmmm simply awesome. Not to forget the beautiful fair Nepali girls and me at the age 0f 13 going ga ga over their beauty. Also one must note that I personally have found the Sikkimese people to be the most polite, warm, helpful and trustworthy people you can ever come across.

That was the start of my first love which has only got stronger over the years. Somehow I never felt like coming back from there and it feels like that is the place where my heart and soul lies. Since then I have actually had more Nepali friends and each one of them has only added to my love for that place...
It's been 10 years now...and the heart longs to run back to my first love - the place which redefines beauty and also love (my gal)... Now just waiting for a few days leave from my work so that I can go to the place where my heart and soul lies...

Monday, October 13, 2008

SINGUR-NANO SAGA - Let the truth never prevail

Nano came...tried to conquer Singur...and left as an 'orphan' seeking a refuge in Gujarat. Well thats old boring news. What makes me wonder is if the people outside Singur will ever know what really happened.
The powers to be have efficiently controlled any untoward information coming out from Singur in a mass scale and daily. Look at media reports both tv and print. Hardly any details of the violence that CPM cadres carried out, how many villagers died and why did Mamata suddenly restart her agitation after a pasive period of 3 or so months? No answers forthcoming. Most importantly was it farm land really that was given to the Tatas. Yes seems the case then for how much and the specifics...No answers yet again.
Lastly but not the least ... what happens to the farmers now? When and if at all will they get their land back? Even if they do get it won't be in a good condition as lot of construction work had been undertaken by Tatas.
I am confused and frankly I don't have a clue as to what the truth is? We have heard many views but they all seem some way politically inclined. Now as Tatas have moved out, so has the media and also Mamata Banerjee. So what will the farmers do now?
This is the condition of world's largest democracy. We are all kept happily mis informed and totally ill informed as well.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Archaic rules that ban individual freedom

World's largest democracy and its tentacles (state governments) loves to push rules down its citizen's throats. Archaic rules meant to disorient people and ensure everyone is kept under a tight wrap. Such rules are just increasing by the day.

WORD 'CONDOM': Recent news suggests that the word 'Condom' was deleted from the movie 'HELLO' by Censor board maniacs as they found the word to be used in a perverted context. The context was that the female lead asks her partner if he has a condom before they hit the bed. Seems a perfectly fine context to me. Not just that, the censor board wanted the movie wallahs to get an U/A certificate just to allow the word. I wonder whats so dreaded about this word. Will these 50 plus oldies sitting at the Board never be practical? In a nation where over burgeoning population and mis-information on AIDS rules, this act only strenghthens that the mis-informed are always kept un-informed. Thats RIDICULOUS to say the least. You cant stop people from having sex, thats a biological need, but its better to educate on safe sex.

NO SMOKING: I sympathize with passive smokers and non-smokers. But at the same time I disregard the fact that non-smokers are idiots if they intentionally go to places like clubs, discs and bars where people smoke. They go there because they want to be there and know they will inhale some smoke. So why ban places where smoking has to be there. Are smokers not humans? People have to be educated. I am a smoker and I dont smoke in front of non-smoking people or at their faces. But I dont care when I am in a disc. Its a necessity to smoke with drinks and also 90 out of 100 people at a disc smoke. So one more archaic rule and the Government just loves to keep its citizens under a leash with dos and dont's.

Strictly No Dancing: This law is villifying to say the least. In other words sc*** it. I mean people dont go to clubs to hatch eggs or just stare at chicks and chickens. They do stare no doubt but its a place where people go to unwind and make new partners or friends. Its a necessity for todays hectic lives that most of us pursue. Well the authorities banned it. Reason: Indecent behaviour by men. No doubt some men may do indecent behaviour but such men dont usually go to clubs. They lurk at street corners. Even if they do, curb on such people with strict punishment. But No! The police does not want to do policing at night so curb the freedom of people instead. Crap logic I say!

Sleep early to become healthy, wealthy and wise: We don't want to be too wise. Who wants to sleep by 11:30 PM. But thats what the Karnataka government wants and so does the police so that they dont have to stay awake and sleep in peace. We earn and pay taxes to the government. The money is hardly used for any infrastructure building in Bangalore (roads are very good evidence) and instead goes to the pockets of higher authorities. Still we are not complaining. So in view of this grateful service by us, atleast late us enjoy and the authorities can put in some extra time as their pockets also become fatter during night times.

Stupit and ridiculous rules. When will the Government stop infringing our personal spheres? No answer. People are busy with no time to protest against such rules. And the saga continues...