Thursday, October 16, 2008


The second leg of the journey saw us going to Darjeeling (popularly referred to as 'Queen of Hill stations'). Well my heart had been booked by Sikkim but still I expected to find something equally good if not better. What I was confronted with only left me aghast and astounded.

I guess my dislike for Bengalis grew from this place only. Though am a Bengali and I am proud of my mother tongue but there is one thing which always puts me off - Dirt or a lack of basic cleanliness which I have found most Bengalis resorting to.

No doubt Darjeeling is really beautiful but its the people or rather we who have spoilt it to beyond repair. The Darjeeling Mall (a famous place) lied destroyed resembling pre human civilization eras. Bengali tourists relieving themselves everywhere, eating eating and gorging even more and then throwing the food right there. Rotting food, stink from the pees and the constant overload of all sorts of dirt has indeed destroyed this beautiful place.

That was my first impression of Darjeeling and real Bengali tourists and trust me they are same everywhere in India. Few other places of notable mention because of their natural beauty would be the Batashia Loop and Goong station. But again dirt and stink prevailed everywhere.

Is it too much to ask for decent cleanliness? We as Bengalis love to travel and eat but can't we keep our surroundings clean? Even when ample dustbins are around. Only last week I had gone to the Koramangala (Bangalore) Durga Puja. Its heavily commercialized now than 6 years back when I had come to Bangalore. The deity was well made but that was it. Starting from near the deity lay everywhere on the ground uneaten food, food plates, non-veg curries, spits from bettle nut eaters etc etc. And when I counted I found there were atleast 10 dustbins kept in the Puja mandap which was on an area of about 200 sq metres. Yet the dustbins were neat and empty but everrywhere else dirt.

I have failed to understand this weird habit of Bengalis. Personally I have never gone that way. I would rather carry a plate on my hand than throw it everywhere instead of a dustbin. Especially when dustbins have been provided, I am clueless.

Whatever may be the reason I think it is disgusting to do so and Bengalis by themselves should change this habit. I had a particular Bengali friend whom i deserted after not being able to cure his habit of dirtying places wherever he went. But none of my present Bengali friends (I have lots) are like this.

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